27 May 2024

Client Testimonial Interview With Nathalie: A Health Practitioner’s Journey to SEO Success

By Linda Eva Seuna

Imagine your health practice website is a ghost town – no visitors, no new clients, just crickets. 

That was the harsh reality for Nathalie Lamour, a Sophrology, EFT, and coaching practitioner based in France. 

But then, something incredible happened. She joined forces with CopyHealth+, and her online presence skyrocketed, leading to a jaw-dropping 700% increase in bookings.

Curious about how this transformation unfolded? Grab a cup of tea (or coffee!) and let’s dive into this interview with Nathalie.

Interview with Nathalie

Q1: Nathalie, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us today. Let’s start from the beginning. Before working with CopyHealth+, what were the biggest challenges you faced in terms of online visibility and client acquisition?

Nathalie: Honestly, it was a struggle. My website was practically invisible online. I had zero organic traffic, which meant no new clients were finding me through search engines. It felt like my practice was a well-kept secret that no one knew about.

Q2: That sounds frustrating! What were your initial expectations or hopes when you decided to invest in SEO and content marketing?

Nathalie: My main goal was simple: I wanted to reach more people and help them discover the transformative power of Sophrology. I hoped that by investing in SEO, I could increase my website’s visibility, attract new clients, and ultimately, make a bigger impact in the world.

Q3: We understand Sophrology was a relatively new field to the CopyHealth+ team when you first started working together. Did that raise any concerns?

Nathalie: I’ll admit, I was a bit concerned at first. But their eagerness to learn and my willingness to share my knowledge quickly put those worries to rest. We worked together to bridge that gap, and it actually became a strength, as they brought fresh eyes and a different perspective to my field.

Q4: Can you describe a specific moment or turning point when you realised that the SEO strategy was working?

Nathalie: There were a few moments, but one that stands out was when I started receiving inquiries from people who were genuinely interested in my services. They weren’t just random leads; they had clearly found me through my website and resonated with the content. That’s when I knew the strategy was working.

Q5: That’s wonderful! What surprised you the most about the results you saw?

Nathalie: Honestly, it was the sheer magnitude of the change. My website traffic skyrocketed, and my bookings increased by an incredible 700%! I never imagined such a dramatic transformation. It was truly amazing.

Q6: That’s incredible! How has this increase in bookings and client conversions impacted your business overall?

Nathalie: It’s been transformative. I’ve been able to expand my offerings, reach a wider audience, and ultimately, help more people. The financial impact has also been significant, allowing me to invest more in my practice and continue to grow.

Q7: What aspects of working with the CopyHealth+ team stood out to you the most?

Nathalie: Their expertise was evident from the start, but it was their collaborative approach that really impressed me. They took the time to understand my practice, my values, and my unique voice. They truly captured the essence of what I do in the content they created.

Q8: What would you say to other health practitioners who might be sceptical about investing in SEO or who are unsure if it’s right for their practice?

Nathalie: I would say that SEO is an investment worth making. It might seem daunting at first, but with the right team and strategy, it can truly transform your online presence and your business. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help and find experts who are passionate about your field and dedicated to your success.

Q9: Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring SEO success story, Nathalie. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Nathalie: I’m just so grateful to the CopyHealth+ team for their hard work and dedication. They’ve been instrumental in helping me achieve my dreams for my practice.

It’s been our pleasure!

Are you a health practitioner ready to transform your online presence and attract your ideal clients? Contact CopyHealth+ today and let’s chat about your unique needs.

Author Profile

Linda Eva SeunaFounder @CopyHealth+, SEO content writer/translator for health brands with French or English audiences