4 May 2024

From Zero Clicks to a 700% Booking Surge: A Health Practice SEO Success Story

By Linda Eva Seuna

Imagine this: a health practitioner with a website invisible to search engines. No organic traffic. No new clients. Just crickets. That was the harsh reality for our client, before she joined forces with CopyHealth+.

Here’s a sneak peek at what we achieved together:

  • 50+ SEO-optimised health blogs of premium quality.
  • Organic traffic soared from zilch to over 325 visits per month!
  • Key SEO metrics like impressions, click-through rate, and average position all skyrocketed.
  • Our content strategy directly generated a 700% booking surge with conversions.

Curious how we did it? Read on to learn more!

The Project

  • About the Client: Nathalie Lamour is a France-based health practitioner specialised in Sophrology, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and coaching consultations.
  • Objective: To boost Nathalie’s online presence and visibility by optimising her website for search engines and developing high-quality, SEO-focused French content. The end goal was to increase organic traffic, generate leads, and drive client bookings.
  • Target Audience: Health-conscious individuals seeking natural approaches for managing stress, anxiety, and overall wellbeing.
  • Role: SEO blog article writer

The Challenge

Before we started working with Nathalie in November 2022, her website was struggling with little to no organic traffic or search visibility. 

Despite my 5+ years of experience in health writing and editing, with a background as a clinical nutritionist, Sophrology was an entirely new field for me. 

However, my love for research and Nathalie’s patience in teaching me the fundamentals allowed me to quickly immerse myself in this fascinating practice.

The Strategy

We kicked off the project by having Laetitia conduct a comprehensive SEO audit of Nathalie’s existing website. This included:

  • Extensive keyword research to identify high-value, relevant search terms and questions
  • Competitor analysis and content gap mapping to spot strategic opportunities
  • Website structure review for technical optimisation recommendations
  • Development of a targeted, data-driven content strategy blueprint and editorial calendar

[This is Laetitia presenting Nathalie’s website editorial calendar during a remote content strategy workshop]

With a solid strategic roadmap in place, I spearheaded the execution of the end-to-end content creation and optimisation process:

  • Creation of over 50 in-depth, SEO-optimised long-form blogs in French leveraging my proven blogging process – which includes the use of AI writing tools to enhance efficiency and scale
  • Comprehensive on-page optimisation including strategic keyword integration, semantic SEO, image optimisation etc
  • Extensive human review, fact-checking and refinement to uphold premium quality standards
  • Strategic internal linking between posts to solidify site architecture and topical authority

The entire process involved close collaboration with Nathalie for maintaining a consistent brand voice and ensuring factual accuracy of the Sophrology concepts covered.

The Results

Our collaborative efforts yielded remarkable results, as evidenced by Nathalie’s Google Search Console website data:

[Image 1 – Organic Traffic Graph] 

Comment: We witnessed organic traffic soar from virtually zero visits in November 2022 to over 325 per month by April 2024.

[Image 2 – Performance Metrics]

Comment: Key metrics like total impressions (393K), click-through rate (2.2%), and average position (13.4) all showed positive trajectories over this last 12-month period.

[Image 3 – Clicks Graph]

Comment: Over these last 16 months, total clicks followed a similar encouraging trend, culminating in an impressive 9K for the timeframe analysed.

Beyond the stellar SEO gains, our work together directly contributed to whopping 700% increase in Calendly booking inquiries compared to her initial baseline. Even more impressive, 37.5% of those booked consultations converted into paying clients!

Addressing Client Concerns

While Nathalie was initially hesitant about my use of AI writing tools for her health blogs, I proactively addressed her concerns through a detailed letter explaining the benefits of this technology

I reassured her that all content would undergo thorough human review, editing, and fact-checking to ensure the highest quality standards. This letter proved invaluable in alleviating scepticism from other clients as well.

[Team’s feedback on one of my health blogs for Nathalie’s website and SEMRUSH’s evaluation tool results]

After witnessing the positive results firsthand, Nathalie jokingly remarked that I had become such an expert in writing for her field, I should consider becoming a Sophrologist myself!

Testimonial from Nathalie

Here is a testimonial interview with Nathalie, where she’s discussing her experience working with our CopyHealth+ team.

If you’re seeking for an expert team to help you elevate your online presence, look no further! Reach out to us today to discuss your needs and let’s craft a customised, data-driven content roadmap for your health business.

Author Profile

Linda Eva SeunaFounder @CopyHealth+, SEO content writer/translator for health brands with French or English audiences