1 July 2024

11 Types of Blog Posts to Get Your Health Practice Noticed in 2024 (Examples & Tips Included)

By Linda Eva Seuna

Want to boost your patient intake by +67% per month? Studies show that companies with blogs generate significantly more leads than those without (DemandMetric).

Hence, nowadays, a well-crafted blog isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essential for health practices seeking to attract new patients or clients and engage their existing ones.

Blogging establishes you as a thought leader, builds trust, and improves your online visibility. But what kind of content should you be creating?

Let’s explore eleven blog post types that can help your health practice stand out and make a lasting impression:

1. Patient Education (Empower Your Readers)

  • What it is: Informative posts that explain common health conditions, treatment options, prevention strategies, and the latest research findings in easy-to-understand language.
  • Example: “Understanding Diabetes: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Lifestyle Changes”
  • Why it works: Empowers patients with knowledge to make informed decisions about their health, positions your practice as a trusted resource, and attracts organic search traffic from those seeking information online.
  • Tips:
    • Use clear, concise language and avoid medical jargon.
    • Include visuals like infographics or diagrams to enhance understanding.
    • Focus on actionable advice that patients can implement.

2. Success Stories/Case Studies (Build Trust and Inspire)

  • What it is: Real-life accounts of patients who have benefited from your treatments, products or services.
  • Example: “Maria’s Journey to Recovery: How Chiropractic Care Helped Her Overcome Chronic Back Pain”
  • Why it works: Humanizes your practice, demonstrates the effectiveness of your treatments, products or services, and builds trust with potential patients.
  • Tips:
    • Obtain written consent from patients before sharing their stories.
    • Highlight the specific challenges patients faced and the positive outcomes they achieved.
    • Use a storytelling approach to make the content engaging and relatable.

3. Behind the Scenes (Show Your Practice’s Personality)

  • What it is: Give your audience a glimpse into the inner workings of your practice and the people who make it special.
  • Example: “Meet Our Team: Q&A with Our Compassionate Nurses”
  • Why it works: Builds rapport with potential patients or clients, showcases the personalities and expertise of your staff, and creates a sense of community.
  • Tips:
    • Share photos and videos to give your blog a personal touch.
    • Highlight your practice’s unique culture and values.
    • Celebrate employee achievements and milestones.

4. Local Health News (Connect with Your Community)

  • What it is: Stay on top of health trends, events, and issues that affect your local community.
  • Example: “Flu Season Update: Vaccination Clinics and Prevention Tips for [Your City]”
  • Why it works: Demonstrates your practice’s involvement in the community, positions you as a local expert, and provides valuable information to your target audience.
  • Tips:
    • Offer insights on how local health news relates to your practice and the services you provide.
    • Share resources or events that your practice is involved in.
    • Demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of your community.

5. Expert Interviews or Q&As (Provide Valuable Insights)

  • What it is: Feature interviews with specialists or your own practitioners on topics relevant to your target audience.
  • Example: “Ask the Expert: A Cardiologist’s Guide to Heart Health”
  • Why it works: Provides valuable information and expert advice, establishes your practice as a thought leader, and offers a unique perspective.
  • Tips:
    • Choose relevant topics and experts.
    • Prepare thoughtful questions that address common concerns and interests.
    • Promote the interview through your social media channels.

6. Infographics or Visual Content (Break Down Complex Information)

  • What it is: The use of visually appealing graphics to summarise complex health information or presentation of data in an easy-to-digest format.
  • Example: “The Benefits of Regular Exercise: A Visual Guide”
  • Why it works: Makes complex information easy to digest, enhances engagement, and is highly shareable on social media.
  • Tips:
    • Invest in high-quality design or use user-friendly tools to create your own infographics.
    • Make sure the visuals are informative, accurate, and shareable.
    • Promote your infographics on platforms like Pinterest or Instagram.

7. Guest Posts (Expand Your Reach and Network)

  • What it is: Articles written by other healthcare professionals, experts, or influencers relevant to your field.
  • Example: “Guest Post: A Nutritionist’s Guide to Healthy Eating on a Budget”
  • Why it works: Introduces new perspectives and voices to your blog, expands your reach to the guest author’s audience, and builds relationships within the healthcare community.
  • Tips:
    • Reach out to potential contributors with a clear pitch and guidelines.
    • Choose guest bloggers whose expertise aligns with your practice’s values.
    • Cross-promote guest posts to both your and the contributor’s audience.

8. “Myth vs. Fact” Posts (Dispel Misconceptions)

  • What it is: Posts that address common misconceptions or myths about health and wellness topics.
  • Example: “Myth vs. Fact: Does Cracking Your Knuckles Cause Arthritis?”
  • Why it works: Educates readers with accurate information, positions your practice as a trusted source of knowledge, and can attract attention due to the controversial nature of myths.
  • Tips:
    • Choose myths that are relevant to your field of expertise.
    • Present the facts clearly and concisely, using credible sources.
    • Offer practical advice or tips based on the debunked myth.

9. “How-To” Guides (Offer Practical Advice)

  • What it is: Posts that provide step-by-step instructions or practical advice on specific health-related tasks or goals.
  • Example: “How to Choose the Right Sunscreen for Your Skin Type”
  • Why it works: Empowers readers to take control of their health, provides actionable information, and positions your practice as a helpful resource.
  • Tips:
    • Break down the instructions into easy-to-follow steps.
    • Include visuals (photos, videos) to illustrate the process.
    • Offer additional tips or resources for further information.

10. Listicles (Curated Content for Easy Reading)

  • What it is: Posts that present information in a list format, often focusing on tips, resources, or examples.
  • Example: “10 Healthy Snacks to Fuel Your Workday”
  • Why it works: Provides concise and easily digestible information, is visually appealing, and performs well on social media.
  • Tips:
    • Choose a relevant and interesting topic.
    • Keep the list items concise and informative.
    • Use numbers or bullet points for easy scanning.

11. Seasonal or Holiday-Themed Posts (Stay Timely and Relevant)

  • What it is: Posts that address health concerns or wellness tips related to specific seasons or holidays.
  • Example: “Staying Healthy During the Dry Season: Tips for Preventing Dehydration and Heat Stroke”
  • Why it works: Shows that your practice is in tune with the times, provides timely and relevant information, and can be used to promote seasonal services or products.
  • Tips:
    • Plan ahead and create content in advance.
    • Tailor your message to the specific season or holiday.
    • Incorporate relevant traditions, customs, or cultural aspects.

Additional Tips for Blogging Success:

  • Optimise for SEO: Use relevant keywords throughout your content to improve your blog’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Promote Your Blog: Share your posts on social media, in email newsletters, and on relevant online forums or directories.
  • Engage Your Audience: Encourage comments and questions on your blog posts and respond to them promptly.

By incorporating these diverse blog post types into your content strategy, you can effectively engage your audience, establish your practice as a trusted resource, and attract new patients or clients.

What next?

Ready to transform your blog into a client-attracting machine? Start implementing these 11 blog post types today! Have any questions or need help getting started? Schedule a free consultation today!

Remember, your blog is more than just a collection of articles – it’s a conversation with your community. Start the conversation today, and watch your practice grow.

Author Profile

Linda Eva SeunaFounder @CopyHealth+, SEO content writer/translator for health brands with French or English audiences