28 June 2024

How My SEO Articles Amplified Klarity Health’s Library Reach

By Linda Eva Seuna

What if your health content could not only inform, but also empower and reach those who need it most? This case study reveals how I partnered with Klarity Health’s library content team to do just that. 

Together, we transformed their online library into an accessible, engaging, and trusted source of information for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike.

Dive in to discover the strategies and tactics that fueled this success story. Read on to learn more!

The Project

About the Brand: Klarity Health Library is a leading online resource dedicated to providing trustworthy and informative health content. Their comprehensive library empowers users to make informed decisions about their well-being.

Objective: Leverage SEO best practices to increase the online visibility of Klarity Health’s online library. This involved creating content that not only addressed user needs but also ranked prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Target Audience: A broad spectrum of health-conscious individuals seeking reliable information on various health topics. This included people interested in preventative care, managing chronic conditions, healthy living habits, and understanding different medical issues.

Role: SEO health blog article writer

Worked With: Klarity Health’s library editorial team

The Challenge

Klarity Health aimed to expand its library’s reach, ensuring their evidence-based resources were easily discoverable by patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. 

The Strategy

My content strategy approach for the Klarity Health Library focused on:

1) Understanding Audience Needs

To truly understand the needs of Klarity Health’s library online users, I delved deeper into questions like:

  • What are their top health priorities? Are they seeking information on specific conditions, preventive care, or general wellness tips?
  • What information gaps exist? Are there under-represented topics or aspects of health that the library could better address?
  • What are their health literacy levels? Is the content accessible and understandable to users with varying levels of medical knowledge?

By answering these questions through a combination of competitors research, feedback mechanisms, and social media data mining, I was able to craft content that truly resonated with the Klarity Health’s library audience.

2) In-Depth Topic Research

My commitment to providing accurate and up-to-date information led me to conduct comprehensive research for each topic.

This involved not only identifying popular search terms but also delving into current medical literature, clinical guidelines, and reputable health organisations.

3) Editorial Team Collaboration

Collaboration with the editorial team was key to ensuring a seamless integration of my content into the existing library.

I adhered to their house style guide and actively participated in brainstorming sessions, contributing ideas for new content topics, formats, and strategies to enhance user engagement.

4) Credible Sources & Internal Linking

Credibility was a top priority, so I meticulously referenced every fact, statistic, and medical claim in my articles with links to reputable sources such as peer-reviewed journals, clinical studies, and government health websites.

[List of references from my article What Is Corn Allergy?]

I also strategically incorporated internal links to related articles or services within the Klarity Health Library, enhancing the user experience and improving the site’s SEO.

[Example of internal linking from my article Essential Minerals for the Elderly]

5) Clear Structure & Readability

I organised content in a logical, easy-to-follow format, using headings, bullet points, tables, and concise language to make complex medical information easy to digest.

[Example of a table from my article Coconut And Dragon Fruit: A Hydration Duo]

[Example of a bullet point list from my article Bananas’ Protective Role for Kidneys’]

6) Keyword Research & Implementation

Recognising the importance of search visibility, I optimised content for both short-tail and long-tail keywords, targeting specific questions and concerns that users frequently search for.

I also integrated frequently asked questions (FAQs), further enhancing the library’s visibility and relevance in search engine results.

[Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section from my article Food Sources High In Manganese]

The Results

Here are a few examples of articles I wrote for Klarity Health Library that are experiencing significant growth in search rankings, placing them in prime positions to capture relevant organic traffic:

This article has rocketed to position 2 on the first page of search results for relevant keywords. This prime position translates to a high probability of users seeing and clicking on the article, putting this valuable information directly in front of a vast audience actively seeking answers about kidney health.

This targeted article currently sits at position #9 on the first page of search engine results. This strong ranking positions the article in front of a significant audience seeking information on weight management strategies, a highly competitive search term.

This foundational article holds the #10 spot on the first page of search engine results. This ranking is crucial for capturing users in the early stages of their research journey, establishing Klarity Health’s library as a trusted source of information on digestive health.

View other articles I wrote for Klarity Health Library.


“Linda has continued to distinguish herself by submitting exceptionally well-researched and well-written articles on public health, disease and chronic health conditions. She has been highly receptive, respectful and accommodating towards her work requirements, colleagues and superiors. Additionally, she has shown excellent oral and written communication skills by explaining complex scientific topics in an engaging way suitable for a general audience.”

Kyle Baguio

Project Coordinator @Klarity Health Library

Ready to Amplify Your Reach Too?

I am eager to partner with more health brands to develop impactful content strategies that amplify their online presence and connect them with the audience they serve. Contact me today to discuss how I can help your brand achieve its content goals.

Author Profile

Linda Eva SeunaFounder @CopyHealth+, SEO content writer/translator for health brands with French or English audiences