2 May 2024

My AI + Human Blogging Process (A Letter to My Health Business Clients)

By Linda Eva Seuna

Dear Valued Client,

Trust my message finds you well.

I acknowledge your concerns and apprehensions about the use of AI in the content creation process and its potential impact on your Google ranking performance. 

To get reliable answers, I highly recommend that you read what Google has to say for yourself in the FAQ section of this article

Moreover, as your SEO health content expert, I want to assure you that my goal is focused on:

  • Helping your readers to become more health-savvy, by creating high-quality and customised blog content that adhere to Google’s E-E-A-T principle (The main and only ranking factor endorsed by Google on any appropriate content);
  • Leveraging the power of AI writing tools responsibly to achieve this, since, the appropriate use of AI or automation IS NOT against Google’s guidelines. Provided, of course, it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against their spam policies and my work ethics; 
  • Receiving and working on feedback from you or your audience to make sure we are effectively producing life-impacting content.

For the sake of transparency, let me explain the step-by-step process I follow to ensure the creation of SEO-friendly, fact-checked, human-edited, and engaging health blog articles for your brand:

My AI + Human Blogging Process for Health Projects

Provided you already have a good content strategy in place (if not I have teamed up with one of the best SEO specialists to help you come up with one), once I receive your blog content brief, here is what I generally do:

Step 1: Understanding the SEO Content Brief

I start by thoroughly reading and understanding the SEO content brief. This brief outlines the topic, target audience, keywords, and any specific guidelines. I don’t use AI tools here, it’s just good old fashioned brainstorming and research.

Step 2: Researching Reliable Sources

Once I understand the topic, I conduct extensive research using reputable and authoritative sources such as PubMed. This ensures the information used in the article is fact-checked, accurate, and trustworthy. 

At this step, I may also use AI tools, such as Google Scholar, for locating relevant, high-quality sources, but my human discretion determines the sources used in the final article.

Step 3: Outlining the Article Structure

Next, I use the brief to create an outline for the article, organising the main points and sub-topics in a logical manner. This helps me maintain a coherent flow of information and ensures that key details are covered. 

If needed, an AI tool may help me generate topic ideas and efficiently structure the outline, but I am responsible for perfecting the final structure.

Step 4: Generating the First Draft of the Article

Here, I may use an AI to quickly generate a rough draft, allowing me to make progress more efficiently.  However, it’s important to note that this is just the initial draft, and there is still much more work to be done!

Step 5: Writing High-Quality Content

Here comes the crucial part where I manually write the remaining content of the article. 

By using my expertise and understanding of the topic, I ensure that the information is presented in a reader-friendly and simple-to-understand manner. 

While AI may offer assistance with generating sentences or suggesting vocabulary, I ensure that the actual writing is done manually for a more authentic approach.

Step 6: Incorporating E-E-A-T Principles

To align with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness), I make sure to include relevant and credible references within the article. 

For example, links to reputable scientific studies, medical professionals’ opinions, and authoritative sources are manually added to support the claims made in the content.

Step 7: Incorporating SEO Elements

To optimise the article for search engines, I thoughtfully integrate relevant keywords from the SEO brief into the content, headings, and meta tags.

Here, I manually ensure that the final selection and placement of keywords are made based on my expertise in SEO and the specific guidelines provided.

Step 8: Fact-Checking and Editing

Once the initial draft is completed, I fact-check all the information to ensure accuracy. Additionally, I edit and proofread the article for grammatical errors, clarity, and overall quality. 

Although AI tools like Grammarly may help with basic grammar and spelling checks, the final editing process is still done manually to ensure the content meets the highest standards.

Step 9: Feed-backs, Publishing, and Monitoring

The draft is then submitted to you for approval. I handle monitoring the feedback, working on it, and learning from it. After receiving feedback and making corrections, the article is ready to be published. 

That’s basically it! 

Once more, my ultimate goal is to ensure that the blog articles created for your audience are original, well-researched, and customised to meet the specific requirements of the writing project, while also adhering to Google’s E-E-A-T principles. 

Hence, whenever I have to use any AI writing tools, I make sure I do so smartly and selectively to enhance efficiency, but the core content creation, fact-checking, and editing processes are performed manually by leveraging my human expertise.

Also, please, AI detectors are not that reliable, but that is not what really matters… I want to once more emphasise that our focus should instead be on meeting Google’s E-E-A-T requirements for our content to establish credibility and improve search engine rankings.

Lastly, I will like you to understand that I am not here to joke or play with the huge investment and trust you are putting in me. I am not using your brand as a guinea pig either. As a proof, you may want to take a look at this case study.

Do you have any remaining questions regarding this matter? Please, feel free to ask me. 

To the success of your health brand 🥂

PS: I have written more resources to guide you below

Author Profile

Linda Eva SeunaFounder @CopyHealth+, SEO content writer/translator for health brands with French or English audiences